22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Scenes from the Manhiem Appleseed shoot in Frigid February....

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These are some images from the Appleseed clinic, Manhiem, PA., held this fearfully frigid February.  Now, the weather was not BAD per se, but all day out in the below freezing temps and occasionally stiff wind can be draining.

The shoot boss, Gary, intelligent man that he is.... brought a fire pit and a big barrel of oak cut offs.  We certainly were not going to heat the grand outdoors, but it gave a welcome respite from the cold.

Saturday had only one hearty shooter, and he drove from out of state to learn the skills.  That left a two instructor to one student ratio, and you can bet his ability skyrocketed in just one day.  He put up with all the guff he got, and did very, very well.

Sunday saw five on the line, and one man earning his Winterseed patch.  It was more than gratifying to see kids out on the range, learning to shoot better, and doing it by choice. One young lady was shooting with her support arm in a cast!

All in all... a cooooold weekend, but a rewarding one.

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