24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

And In Oregon

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It looks like the Oregon legislature is trying to one-up Washington and California on legislation to prohibit modern firearms with cosmetic features that are scary to some people.  Courtesy of Hot Air, we learn that HB 3200, if passed into law will require that scary-looking weapons and standard ammo boxes will be banned from the state.  If a citizen desires to keep one, it will be registered.  If it is registered, "the department" will be required to inspect the premises to make sure that the modern rifle and the ammo boxes are properly stored.
The department may conduct inspections of registered owners of assault weapons and large capacity magazines to ensure compliance with the storage requirements of section 4of this 2013 Act.
That ain't the worst.  Because this law is such high-priority, and it's the public safety is so urgent, they want to declare an emergency.
SECTION 6. This 2013 Act being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2013 Act takes effect on its passage.
This law is ripe for a smack-down.  It violates the Constitution on so many levels that I can't begin to enumerate them.  The one thing that strikes me most about laws of this nature is that The People seem to accept that laws such as this will be proposed, and the legislators that propose them don't seem to have any fear of push-back.  The People of Oregon are evidently willing to elect legislators to the state house that don't have any concern for the rights of those same People.  The People who elect such legislators are despicable.

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