25 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Identify that ammo, and win a prize....

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Presented for your edification and pleasure.... a simple contest.  The first three people who can correctly identify this Mil-Surp ammunition (All five cartridges) will win a Tuf Cloth weapons cleaning cloth. We are looking for for year, make, and model here.
No tricks... no gimmicks.... just put your answer in the comments section and cite your source, and Carteach will let the winners know.  It's that easy!
Clicken on the images to embiggun.

Deal hunting in a panic'd market

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It is no big secret that we are in the largest panic buy of guns in recent history. Prices on most any semi-automatic firearm are up as the threat of restrictive legislation looms over the heads of all gun owners in the US. For those on  a budget, now has been a terrible time to purchase a lot of gear.

However, deals are still around. Now particularly, I have noticed a lot of good rimfire deals. I think what is happening is gun owners are liquidating these older firearms to free up some cash for more battle rattle type purchases. Today, I purchased 4 Ruger Mk II mags for 6 dollars each. That is a heck of a deal, considering new they run about 18 bucks (when you can find them).

If you are in the market for guns, I would say to avoid the tactical centerfire buying frenzy and instead look at classic rimfires - the Mk series from Ruger, Browning Buckmarks, and even the S&W 22a line. For rimfire rifles, I have seen a lot of 10/22s floating around, and though pricing on them has not been heavily affected by the recent uptick in buying, prices are still a little high on them in general. People with several shops in their area would be wise to keep an eye out for some bargain used 22s hitting the racks.

I have also seen some nice revolvers start piling up at local shops- especially vintage S&W. Now is also a good time to hit the bush looking for that m10, m36, m15, m29, or other quality revolver you have always wanted. I suspect this is a temporary bubble, as I would bet a shiny dollar coin that most companies are going to redo production schedules for this year (if they haven't already) to handle the semi-auto rifle demand.

Obviously this is all speculation, but I suspect we won't actually see much in legislation pass in the near future, and we will be flooded with semi-auto rifles by the second quarter. Other guns that got bumped on production lines (and corresponding accessories like single stack mags) will also be running dry by then. I really think the market is going to nearly flip in the next 5 or so months where now is a great time to get some blued steel and wood, and early summer will be ripe for some tactical tom-foolery.

Stay safe and shoot well.

Cuomo's state of State- the loss of gun rights

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After listening to A. Cuomo's state of New York State, I am questioning if I have ever been considered a citizen, or just a disillusioned plebeian. Mislead into thinking my vote, my life, my rights, and my dreams matter.

New York stands on the edge of a new and terrible world - where tens of thousands of New Yorkers will instantly be made criminals, with their property seized, and no compensation offered.

The numbers to the relevant NYS officials are below. Please call if you are a resident of NYS.

Call the Governor’s Office (518) 474-8390– AND LEAVE THIS MESSAGE:

Leave messages for these politicians as well.

Senate Leader Skelos:  518-455-3171

Senate Co-Leader Klein:  518-455-3595

Senator Valesky:  518-455-2838

Assembly Leader Silver:  518-455-3791 

Just as a reminder, these are the same people- the same State Government, that debated for over 5 years on if Gays should be allowed to marry. Hint: THEY SHOULD AND IT SHOULD NOT TAKE THAT LONG TO REALIZE THAT. 

Five Years. Yet they will strip away our rights in days when afforded the opportunity. It took them 5 years of legislative ass-fuckery to recognize an obvious right- and yet they will take another birth-right away in a few days the first chance they get.

Remember that- and remember this: You may not have cared about gay marriage, you may not care about guns- but someday, they will try to strip you of something you love and believe in. I hope there are people left to help you fight your fight, and I hope you help me fight mine.

Edmund's Kills Inside Line

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One of my favorite automotive blogs, Inside Line, is being absorbed into its corporate host, Edmunds.com
I don't like it.
It looks like Edmunds is abandoning the blog format, as the new "What's Hot" page that will now contain InsideLine's content does not offer comments.  And the pop-up screens are annoying.
I like Edmunds, and use it a lot, for car research.  But let the blog be the blog and the research site be the research site.

2014 Jeep Cherokee = FUGLY

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Jalopnik has dropped some spy shots of the 2014 Jeep Cherokee, apparently taken inside the assembly plant.  

Chrysler must be hitting the grappa really hard over there in Auburn Hills, because this thing is gorram ugly.  I realy don't think squishing the vertical trademark vertical grille, and putting squinty-eyed headlamps on the front of a Jeep does much for the brand.  The sides profile is also very organic and anonymous, like they are trying to remind us of Kia and Hyundai.
Remember that the old Cherokee, many of which are still running, was a small, square wagon with serious off-road chops.  This thing, I am not sure what it is.  I guess we'll find out.
(Image (stolen from) courtesy of Jalopnik.)
Inline image 1

24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

The Real Agenda

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Democrats in Washington are pushing an agenda where if a person owns a modern rifle the Sheriff can come in and check to make sure that it is stored properly.
There is no need for a warrant; there is no probable cause requirement; and the Seattle Times columnist writing about this clearly unconstitutional law observes that the sponsors include “Sen. Adam Kline, D-Seattle, a lawyer who typically is hyper-attuned to civil-liberties issues.”
That's the agenda, ladies and gentleman.  Violations of both the Second and Fourth Amendments, couched as a public safety argument.  Imagine the furor if an elected representative from Louisiana, Alabama, or Texas proposed that the police be required to inspect homosexuals homes to make sure that they weren't abusing little boys and girls?

The Democrats want full control and a ban on certain firearms that  many of us find useful, interesting, and perfectly legal, but Washington Democrats are willing to abuse the Fourth Amendment to advance their agenda.  This isn't the first time they've tried, either.  This is about control, plain and simple.

And In Oregon

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It looks like the Oregon legislature is trying to one-up Washington and California on legislation to prohibit modern firearms with cosmetic features that are scary to some people.  Courtesy of Hot Air, we learn that HB 3200, if passed into law will require that scary-looking weapons and standard ammo boxes will be banned from the state.  If a citizen desires to keep one, it will be registered.  If it is registered, "the department" will be required to inspect the premises to make sure that the modern rifle and the ammo boxes are properly stored.
The department may conduct inspections of registered owners of assault weapons and large capacity magazines to ensure compliance with the storage requirements of section 4of this 2013 Act.
That ain't the worst.  Because this law is such high-priority, and it's the public safety is so urgent, they want to declare an emergency.
SECTION 6. This 2013 Act being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2013 Act takes effect on its passage.
This law is ripe for a smack-down.  It violates the Constitution on so many levels that I can't begin to enumerate them.  The one thing that strikes me most about laws of this nature is that The People seem to accept that laws such as this will be proposed, and the legislators that propose them don't seem to have any fear of push-back.  The People of Oregon are evidently willing to elect legislators to the state house that don't have any concern for the rights of those same People.  The People who elect such legislators are despicable.

High Gas Prices

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With prices hovering over $3.50 per gallon locally, I'm aware that we're below the national average of $3.78, but I'm also aware that I have to spend a certain amount of money each week simply to get back and forth to work, to run my errands, to take care of family.  That cost increases or decreases as the price of gasoline fluctuates.  When gas prices are high, I've got less money to spend elsewhere simply because I've got to have enough fuel to make a paycheck.  It's the one thing I notice as it rises and falls.  Apparently, I'm not the only one noticing.
The government regularly issues reports on unemployment, housing starts and manufacturers' output to track the economy's progress. But for the average person, the top economic indicator is the price he or she pays at the pump, experts said. And at a time of record-high gas prices -- combined with long-term joblessness, greater personal debt and paychecks reduced by higher taxes -- the consumers whose spending drives the economy are unwilling, or unable, to part with their money.
If President Obama wants us to feel better about the economy, if he wants to stimulate trade, the one single thing he could do that would have an immediate impact is to un-do the regulation that drives fuel prices.  I note that when Obama took office, gas prices were about $1.68 per gallon.  Today they're twice that.

I've got to have gasoline to get to work.  If I'm spending it at the pump, I'm not spending it for other things.

Discussing 'Gun Control', a point that needs making....

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In discussing the issue of 'Gun Control' with people bent on disarming the citizenry, no matter the consequences.... there is nothing to talk about.

On the other hand, when speaking to people of good intent, but perhaps poorly informed or having been led down an illogical path.... there is a line of questioning that's proven immensely valuable.  It sidesteps all other points, leaves the Constitutional angle out completely, and calls into question every single gun control law already existing.

It's such an easy and honest argument to make, such a salient point to make, that those who devoutly argue in favor of disarming citizens invariably refuse to even acknowledge the  question.  It's such an obviously unattainable point to a mind already closed to thought, that person utterly ignores the question, refusing to even admit it was spoken.

It's so simple, really.  It's just these two little sentences.... which drive straight to the heart of the debate, re-framing it completely in the terms of Human Rights.

Do human beings have the right to defend themselves?

If so.... do human beings have the right to own the means of defending themselves?

Try it out on yourself.  Roll those words through your mouth and give voice to them.  Can you imagine an argument against the basic right of human beings to defend themselves against violence?    Now, carried one logical step farther.... who can argue that people have the obvious right to do something, but no right to the means of doing it?

It would be akin to claiming people have a right to breath, but no right to lift their head above the water.

The next time you find yourself debating 'gun control' of any kind, take the discussion t o these points.... and go no farther til you have an answer.  It's a matter of Human Rights.  It's a matter of right and wrong.  

The 'Ammo Shortage'.... what's your thoughts?

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Folks, Carteach is trying to get a sense of what people are seeing across the country right now.  Regarding the ammunition supply issue, a few questions in hope of generating discussion...

Can you get what you want, only at higher prices?

What are you seeing happening at the stores you normally buy from?

What are you hearing through the rumor mill about this?

What are your thoughts long term?

I'll chime in first, of course, to get the ball rolling.  Can I get what I want? Mostly, yes. Prices are higher, no doubt.  It helps that I can load almost anything I wish myself.  Rimfire prices are a bit vexing, and there is no such thing as "I'll come back tomorrow" when you find it for sale.

The stores I normally buy from are running thin, leaning towards bare shelves on most everything.  Prices have jumped.... a LOT.... but that is to be expected.  Wholesale prices on ammo has also jumped, in some cases by 100%.  

I've been watching the wholesale websites, and supplies that do show up vanish fast... very fast.  Sometimes within minutes.  The only thing generally readily available are the high ticket items, like buck-a-round premium defensive ammo and such.  I see the same on reloading supplies as well.

What I am hearing, from the most credible sources I have, is that this is likely a typical politically generated run on the supply, and will probably ease up in a few months as people lose their fear.  On the other hand, should Pres/Congress/States do more silly grandstanding, it could really extend that period.   I hear short term = a few months, and long term = well into next year.

Meanwhile, Think I will replenish my supply of primers and powder ..... today.

23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi


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Oh, the sequester!  The humanity!  The absolute tragedy of the cuts to government.  Thousands of workers laid off, lots of problems in airports, everything is going to grind to a halt.  If you believe any of that, we need to talk about a bridge I'm trying to sell.

They're not cutting anything, simply slowing the growth of government.  This whole sequester problem is only a problem if you believe that government should grow every year at a set rate.  This graphic from George Mason University shows how they intend to cut government under the sequester.

That looks like quite a cut, doesn't it?  Such a cut that government continues to grow.  No, dear friends, our problem is that we elected a President who doesn't understand that cutting a budget entails spending less money than we spent last year.

Mr. President, we intend for you to cut a trillion dollars from next year's budget, not simply slow the growth of government, but to actually use smaller numbers than you used last year.  A trillion dollars in next year's budget would be a good step.  A good first step.

Discussing 'Gun Control', a point that needs making....

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In discussing the issue of 'Gun Control' with people bent on disarming the citizenry, no matter the consequences.... there is nothing to talk about.

On the other hand, when speaking to people of good intent, but perhaps poorly informed or having been led down an illogical path.... there is a line of questioning that's proven immensely valuable.  It sidesteps all other points, leaves the Constitutional angle out completely, and calls into question every single gun control law already existing.

It's such an easy and honest argument to make, such a salient point to make, that those who devoutly argue in favor of disarming citizens invariably refuse to even acknowledge the  question.  It's such an obviously unattainable point to a mind already closed to thought, that person utterly ignores the question, refusing to even admit it was spoken.

It's so simple, really.  It's just these two little sentences.... which drive straight to the heart of the debate, re-framing it completely in the terms of Human Rights.

Do human beings have the right to defend themselves?

If so.... do human beings have the right to own the means of defending themselves?

Try it out on yourself.  Roll those words through your mouth and give voice to them.  Can you imagine an argument against the basic right of human beings to defend themselves against violence?    Now, carried one logical step farther.... who can argue that people have the obvious right to do something, but no right to the means of doing it?

It would be akin to claiming people have a right to breath, but no right to lift their head above the water.

The next time you find yourself debating 'gun control' of any kind, take the discussion t o these points.... and go no farther til you have an answer.  It's a matter of Human Rights.  It's a matter of right and wrong.  

The 'Ammo Shortage'.... what's your thoughts?

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Folks, Carteach is trying to get a sense of what people are seeing across the country right now.  Regarding the ammunition supply issue, a few questions in hope of generating discussion...

Can you get what you want, only at higher prices?

What are you seeing happening at the stores you normally buy from?

What are you hearing through the rumor mill about this?

What are your thoughts long term?

I'll chime in first, of course, to get the ball rolling.  Can I get what I want? Mostly, yes. Prices are higher, no doubt.  It helps that I can load almost anything I wish myself.  Rimfire prices are a bit vexing, and there is no such thing as "I'll come back tomorrow" when you find it for sale.

The stores I normally buy from are running thin, leaning towards bare shelves on most everything.  Prices have jumped.... a LOT.... but that is to be expected.  Wholesale prices on ammo has also jumped, in some cases by 100%.  

I've been watching the wholesale websites, and supplies that do show up vanish fast... very fast.  Sometimes within minutes.  The only thing generally readily available are the high ticket items, like buck-a-round premium defensive ammo and such.  I see the same on reloading supplies as well.

What I am hearing, from the most credible sources I have, is that this is likely a typical politically generated run on the supply, and will probably ease up in a few months as people lose their fear.  On the other hand, should Pres/Congress/States do more silly grandstanding, it could really extend that period.   I hear short term = a few months, and long term = well into next year.

Meanwhile, Think I will replenish my supply of primers and powder ..... today.

Putting a few aside: The Chinese Type 53 Carbine

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I recall my Dad used to buy canned food by the case when he saw it at a good price.  It was stored in the cellar, on shelves, and there was no inside door to the cellar.  Not infrequently, 'Boy' got sent for a few cans to round out the dinner menu.  I used to catch a lot of crap because I thought putting on shoes a waste of time when I was only going to be a few seconds going to the cellar..... snow or no snow.

The point is.... my old man would buy it when cheap, buy a bunch, and put it away til it was needed.  That's not a bad philosophy, and applies to far more than canned peas.

This brings us to today's adventure.... unpacking a pair of Chinese Type 53 carbines recently added to the collection.

The Chinese worked hand in hand with the Soviet Union for quite some time, and that included transfers of technology.  Thus, the Russian M-44 carbine, itself a shortened version of the 91/30, which in turn was derived from the Mosin Nagant of 1891...... became the Type 53 carbine.  Obsolete before it was ever built, the Type 53 had the feature of being cheap... very cheap.... and very easy to manufacture by the boat load.  That, and the fact the Soviet Union would quite literally trade/sell ammunition for the rifle by the shipload, and  suddenly the recycled Mosin design looked pretty good.  At least, to the Chinese it did, when they had a stupendously large army and a stupendously tiny treasury.

Now collectors and shooters are seeing the Type 53 in the United States at deeply discounted prices.  A few years ago, they were available for $69 at every gun show, by the dozens.  Now, one will bring $130 or so pretty easily, and have been seen changing hands at $200 since the crazy times set in (Thanks Mr. President!).

The Type 53 (slash M-44) is indeed a Mosin rifle, chambered in the full power 7.62x54mm Russian round designed at the turn of the century.  The last century.  As in the 1890's.  It's a rimmed cartridge of roughly 30-06 ballistics in it's modern loadings.  Loaded for shooting from the longer barreled 91/30, the short barrel of the Type 53 gets rather 'barky' when fired on the line.

To paraphrase something The Fat Man overheard from a nice lady the last time someone brought a Mosin Carbine to the match..... "Who the %$#@ brought the %^#@!$^%# CANON??"

Looking exactly like a shortened and much handier copy of the Mosin 91/30... because it is.... both the M-44 and the Type 53 bear a rather unusual feature.  That being a permanently attached bayonet that is hinged to the barrel and swings back alongside the stock.

The rifle itself is .... um..... how  to say....... ugly.  There is no other way to put it.  It is, in fact, so ugly that it's attractive in many ways.  Like a scraggly puppy who's the runt of the litter, you just want to pick and up and play with it.  Shooting it reveals this puppy to have a hell of a bark, and a pretty stiff bite as well.  That said, it's a fairly effective battle rifle for very little money, no matter how one looks at it.

Now, regarding that whole notion of 'putting things aside'.  Here, the relative cheapness of the Type 53 carbine, and the ammunition to feed it, make it a natural for such things.

Depending on local markets and the power of bulk buying, a Type 53 and a 'spam can' (440 rounds) of surplus Russian ammunition can be purchased for roughly $200 to $250.  At that price level, hiding away a few of these rifles and a case of ammo is not such a crazy idea. At the very least, it's an investment who's value can only grow.  At the very worst.... well, lets save that thought for another day.

There is a bit of work associated with owning such a beastie.  They will typically arrive as packed by a Chinese conscript, and that means in occasionally rough condition and so-so preservation.   Care must be taken to thoroughly clean the rifle, with special attention to scrubbing the bore.  The 7.62x54mm round has always been corrosively primed, which is no problem when a weapon is properly cleaned after use.  Not all the Type 53's were, sadly.  

It's not uncommon for the first swab pushed down the barrel to pile up an eight inch plug of grease ahead of it.  This is the equivalent of a blocked bore, and under NO circumstances should any surplus military weapon be fired till the bore is cleaned out and the unit function checked by someone who knows what they are doing.

Completely stripping the rifle down would be a good idea, and is not difficult at all.   Remember.... these rifles were designed to be used and maintained by peasants drafted into the military. Much of what the rifle might need can be done with little more than a crude screw driver and a handy rock.

Consider the possibilities.   Despite being more than a little outdated, the little carbine is quite powerful, fairly effective, and extraordinarily cheap. Ammunition is plentiful and inexpensive right now, and stocking away a case or two and a few rifles won't break most budgets.  It can be used for recreational shooting, hunting, and...... for hard times.  As this cost, a few can be set aside for giving to the neighbors in a 'Katrina' like emergency, even, or whatever other perilous time should come along.

Think about it.


Speaking about putting some away....

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As I am doing my reloading project, and filling cans with ammo for the year's shooting, each container is getting a few of these put in it:

Silica Gel Desiccants

I've seen the results of damp storage over time, and written about it here on the blog.  I expect to use this ammunition before corrosion becomes an issue, but if I don't get to it in the near future I'll be damned if I open that can in a few years just to find nastiness.

22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

The 'Ammo Shortage'.... what's your thoughts?

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Folks, Carteach is trying to get a sense of what people are seeing across the country right now.  Regarding the ammunition supply issue, a few questions in hope of generating discussion...

Can you get what you want, only at higher prices?

What are you seeing happening at the stores you normally buy from?

What are you hearing through the rumor mill about this?

What are your thoughts long term?

I'll chime in first, of course, to get the ball rolling.  Can I get what I want? Mostly, yes. Prices are higher, no doubt.  It helps that I can load almost anything I wish myself.  Rimfire prices are a bit vexing, and there is no such thing as "I'll come back tomorrow" when you find it for sale.

The stores I normally buy from are running thin, leaning towards bare shelves on most everything.  Prices have jumped.... a LOT.... but that is to be expected.  Wholesale prices on ammo has also jumped, in some cases by 100%.  

I've been watching the wholesale websites, and supplies that do show up vanish fast... very fast.  Sometimes within minutes.  The only thing generally readily available are the high ticket items, like buck-a-round premium defensive ammo and such.  I see the same on reloading supplies as well.

What I am hearing, from the most credible sources I have, is that this is likely a typical politically generated run on the supply, and will probably ease up in a few months as people lose their fear.  On the other hand, should Pres/Congress/States do more silly grandstanding, it could really extend that period.   I hear short term = a few months, and long term = well into next year.

Meanwhile, Think I will replenish my supply of primers and powder ..... today.

Once again... deal alert on the same danged shotgun bandoleer

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They gone and done did it again..... another price drop on those 12 gauge shotgun bandoleers. I'm getting to the point that these are how I store 12 gauge ammunition now.  They are just so easy to grab and carry,  all but putting ammo boxes to shame.  A regular gym bag is all that's needed to carry a LOT of shotgun ammo, holding a bunch of these all curled up.

I'm a firm believer in the shotguns role in home defense, but it has a downside.  No matter how fancy the 'Riot Gun', it's going to be limited in capacity.  Defensive shotguns run dry SOOOO fast... and need to be topped off on the go.  That presents a problem in carrying the heavy and ungainly shotgun shells.  This bandoleer solves that problem.  One over the shoulder motion, and 50+ rounds are across the shooters body in perfect position to feed a reload. One need not even look at the shells... just running a hand down the bandoleer in a swipe locates the next shell, already oriented correctly.

Aim Sports Shotgun Shell Bandolier/56 Rounds

Scenes from the Manhiem Appleseed shoot in Frigid February....

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These are some images from the Appleseed clinic, Manhiem, PA., held this fearfully frigid February.  Now, the weather was not BAD per se, but all day out in the below freezing temps and occasionally stiff wind can be draining.

The shoot boss, Gary, intelligent man that he is.... brought a fire pit and a big barrel of oak cut offs.  We certainly were not going to heat the grand outdoors, but it gave a welcome respite from the cold.

Saturday had only one hearty shooter, and he drove from out of state to learn the skills.  That left a two instructor to one student ratio, and you can bet his ability skyrocketed in just one day.  He put up with all the guff he got, and did very, very well.

Sunday saw five on the line, and one man earning his Winterseed patch.  It was more than gratifying to see kids out on the range, learning to shoot better, and doing it by choice. One young lady was shooting with her support arm in a cast!

All in all... a cooooold weekend, but a rewarding one.

Deal hunting in a panic'd market

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It is no big secret that we are in the largest panic buy of guns in recent history. Prices on most any semi-automatic firearm are up as the threat of restrictive legislation looms over the heads of all gun owners in the US. For those on  a budget, now has been a terrible time to purchase a lot of gear.

However, deals are still around. Now particularly, I have noticed a lot of good rimfire deals. I think what is happening is gun owners are liquidating these older firearms to free up some cash for more battle rattle type purchases. Today, I purchased 4 Ruger Mk II mags for 6 dollars each. That is a heck of a deal, considering new they run about 18 bucks (when you can find them).

If you are in the market for guns, I would say to avoid the tactical centerfire buying frenzy and instead look at classic rimfires - the Mk series from Ruger, Browning Buckmarks, and even the S&W 22a line. For rimfire rifles, I have seen a lot of 10/22s floating around, and though pricing on them has not been heavily affected by the recent uptick in buying, prices are still a little high on them in general. People with several shops in their area would be wise to keep an eye out for some bargain used 22s hitting the racks.

I have also seen some nice revolvers start piling up at local shops- especially vintage S&W. Now is also a good time to hit the bush looking for that m10, m36, m15, m29, or other quality revolver you have always wanted. I suspect this is a temporary bubble, as I would bet a shiny dollar coin that most companies are going to redo production schedules for this year (if they haven't already) to handle the semi-auto rifle demand.

Obviously this is all speculation, but I suspect we won't actually see much in legislation pass in the near future, and we will be flooded with semi-auto rifles by the second quarter. Other guns that got bumped on production lines (and corresponding accessories like single stack mags) will also be running dry by then. I really think the market is going to nearly flip in the next 5 or so months where now is a great time to get some blued steel and wood, and early summer will be ripe for some tactical tom-foolery.

Stay safe and shoot well.

Cuomo's state of State- the loss of gun rights

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After listening to A. Cuomo's state of New York State, I am questioning if I have ever been considered a citizen, or just a disillusioned plebeian. Mislead into thinking my vote, my life, my rights, and my dreams matter.

New York stands on the edge of a new and terrible world - where tens of thousands of New Yorkers will instantly be made criminals, with their property seized, and no compensation offered.

The numbers to the relevant NYS officials are below. Please call if you are a resident of NYS.

Call the Governor’s Office (518) 474-8390– AND LEAVE THIS MESSAGE:

Leave messages for these politicians as well.

Senate Leader Skelos:  518-455-3171

Senate Co-Leader Klein:  518-455-3595

Senator Valesky:  518-455-2838

Assembly Leader Silver:  518-455-3791 

Just as a reminder, these are the same people- the same State Government, that debated for over 5 years on if Gays should be allowed to marry. Hint: THEY SHOULD AND IT SHOULD NOT TAKE THAT LONG TO REALIZE THAT. 

Five Years. Yet they will strip away our rights in days when afforded the opportunity. It took them 5 years of legislative ass-fuckery to recognize an obvious right- and yet they will take another birth-right away in a few days the first chance they get.

Remember that- and remember this: You may not have cared about gay marriage, you may not care about guns- but someday, they will try to strip you of something you love and believe in. I hope there are people left to help you fight your fight, and I hope you help me fight mine.