13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

A-Zoom dummy rounds..... A Carteach0 contest with a prize!

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So there I was.... browsing in a brand new Fun Shop, when suddenly it called to me. "Here I am.... Over here! Look over here...... pick me up.... hold me in your arms.... Try my trigger...."

Now, Carteach asks permission before he dry fires a weapon. When it's a rimfire, a "No" brings no hard feelings, because Carteach is no 'Rimfire Dummy'. On older rimfire firearms, dry firing can and will smash the firing pin into the face of the breech, damaging both. Many, if not most, new rimfire weapons have corrected this in their design. That said... snap caps and dummy rounds assure that no damage will occur to the mechanism, and are worth using.

So, Carteach was provided with a pack of these A-Zoom 22 Lr Action Proving Dummy Rounds in order to try the trigger on the siren singing to me from across the counter. While the A-zoom solid aluminum dummy rounds are not really snap caps, they do serve acceptably as such in my experience. Even better, they function perfectly through the action, letting the shooter practice the entire manual of arms in a dry fire session.

I did try the trigger, and promptly handed the rifle back to the nice lady, along with my drivers license for the NICS check. That sneaky slinky little .22 was with me when I left the shop.

Here's where the contest comes in: The first person who can guess (In comments) what the rifle is, and does so the most accurately, will win a pack of A-Zoom 22 Lr Action Proving Dummy Rounds .

Let the guessing begin!

As for me, I have a vegetable bed to weed, a truckload of mulch to spread, a scope to mount, and a new rifle to sight in!

(Update.... a hint is requested)

Okay.... here is the target shot with the first five rounds ever fired from the rifle. The distance was only 36 feet and it was fired using the back porch railing as a rest, after installing an Eotech as a sighting device. The target dot measures an inch, and those are .22 rimfire bullet holes.

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