19 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

Range Day

I was in social studies as a sophomore in HS during the 9/11 attacks. I remember school getting cancelled after rolling as many TVs into classrooms as possible to inform kids of the news. Being from Upstate NY - it seemed distant. 2 years later I was living in the Bronx as a young undergraduate, and suddenly being a 'New Yorker' had meaning. Frankly, I don't think about it often. It doesn't bring up painful memories for me anymore than reading about Pearl Harbor does. I was insulated and isolated from the events by either time or distance, and the meaning of the events for me is interpreted accordingly.
Outwardly, I spend 9/11 as I do most any day. I note the flags at half mast and find myself reminded of a very different time in my life. To this day I'm not sure on what is and is not an appropriate response. As an American, I feel for the loss of hardworking people who did nothing out of the ordinary on a particular day and were cut down because of it. As a person, I feel guilt in not knowing how to grieve for a pain that didn't touch me or anyone I knew. My hurt came as an American who no longer had the opportunity to know thousands of other Americans - Not as a man who no longer could see his friends or his loved ones. Those are very different experiences, and frankly I'm still not really sure how to resolve those issues within me. 
I went to the range today and I shot my ACII and my RIA Tac 9mm, and even a bit through my Ruger Mk II. It was unspectacular insofar-as everything worked well. No FTF, FTE, or issues of any kind with any gun were noted. Giving an in depth range report though seems somehow inappropriate today. Not inappropriate because I grieve as a person who lost a loved one, but inappropriate nevertheless.  So instead I'll say simply that today was a good day. A day with good friends and good times. I've labored more over this post than most any other I can remember. Three rambling paragraphs and I'm still not sure what I want to say here - but I do believe that anyone who ever wanted to attack the west, and particularly America, would be annoyed by that, so I find it somewhat comforting to annoy those bastards. 

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