27 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Solarforce L2 durability testament

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I recently stopped bouncing. Before I went out, my replacement asked me to help set him up with a good flashlight. I had him order a Solarforce L2 and some other assorted goodies. Well, this past weekend I got a call Sunday morning. Apparently, he had to deal with a pretty good brawl and had ended up cornered.

One of the reasons I stopped bouncing is I thought the place I worked at had cut too much staff for the volume of traffic they were handling- thus creating a less than safe situation. Well my friend ended up against 2 people who were looking for a fight, and long story short he took his crenelated bezel to the rib cage of the first one who came at him. The bezel opened the guy up fairly well, though the wounds were superficial.

The light held up and works fine still. I generally used the flashlight to blind and control while I worked, but my replacement didn't have the ability to deploy as much force as I did, and he had to use the light as an offensive striking tool.

Let this be a grim and graphic reminder: sometimes creativity and application of what you have around you is what you need to keep yourself safe. I worked in bars for 10 years, and I never close-handed struck a single person, nor did I ever hit anyone with any instrument. I don't begrudge my replacement his decision, but it honestly is something I never would have thought to do. At most, I would have used the light like a kubaton or other small leveraging tool.

Frankly, this makes a good case for aluminum bodied lights instead of the Surefire G2 or Solarforce P1 style polymer bodies. Resolution to the story (for those who are interested) is that because it was a 2 on 1, and the other guy landed the first punch to the face (which was also the first punch thrown as per the video tape) they considered it a wash with the force multiplier that was the use of the flashlight. No charges against either party. No idea if civil stuff will shake out later, though I can't imagine it will. I think the 2 just agreed not to come back for a while, and everyone walked away with a few bandages.

Not a pretty situation, but hopefully a few lessons can be learned from it.

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