19 Haziran 2012 Salı

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Ah the thompson center Encore. I continue to hunt with it, even though it continues to leave me mildly annoyed by its performance. I recently purchased a 28in rifled, fluted 20 gauge barrel for my Thompson Center Encore. I had originally planned for this to be a post comparing a variety of slugs through the gun- but instead will question why I still own these damn things.

I want this gun to shoot non-saboted rounds well. I need another $3 per shot gun like I need a hole in my head, and this thing just doesn't seem like it is going to perform to that expectation.Slugs tried were:
Remington Slugger
Winchester Grey Box
Federal Blue Box
and some Nobel 20 gauge slugs on clearance from SGAmmo (PS SGAmmo is Awesome to work with).

The best group for the day was the Federal Blue Box, coming in at an impressively disappointing 8 inch 5 shot group. The Nobels didn't even get on the paper at 100, and if it wasn't for a flyer I think the winchesters have some potential.

I will continue to putter around with this gun, and I will get it shooting well eventually, but man - I do not know why thompson sells any guns in a market where people can buy an NEF HandiRifle for a third of the price and as good if not better performance. I am getting smoothebore barrel performance out of a $300 dollar rifled barrel.

The only reason I shoot them is that my old man is enamored with thompson, or I'd sell these things tomorrow. To be fair, my thompson pistol barrels shoot well- but my encore muzzleloader was a total bust and unless something changes in the next few range trips, this 20 gauge will be just as disappointing.

On to the sabots I guess.

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