21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

The Solstice

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Today, I'm told is the summer solstice, that astronomical time when the sun reaches it's highest point in the sky, heralding the start of summer.  Milady and I were married on the solstice, not to celebrate some Druid rite, but because (1)we were both off work that weekend, (2)the day fell on a Saturday, and (3)the hall we rented had an opening.  Serendipity.  However, we were married on the 21st, so our anniversary is tomorrow. It seems, on leap year, the sun rises one day earlier.

The folks in the Northeast are expecting a scorcher today.  The AP reports:
Readings are expected to be in the mid- to high-90s Wednesday and Thursday in cities including Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Humidity could make it feel even hotter.
Heh! That's a normal day here, temps we've been dealing with since early May. Our own weather forecast for today calls for a high of 92 with 94% humidity. A standard summer's day inn central Louisiana.  I think that in another hour I'll go to Momma's house and sit on a tractor for a couple of hours.  I need to knock down the grass on my range and around my deer stand.  If everything goes according to plan I'll be back home, comfortably ensconced in the air conditioning by the time the noon hour arrives.

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