Most burglars spend less than six minutes inside a victim's house It's impossible to steal something that cannot be located, making these unique little safes the perfect storage for your small valuables. You can find these cool safe's on Nitro-Pak
"These unique 'safes' allow you to hide valuables inside common soda cans- one of the last places a thief would think to look. According to the Chicago Police these units are better than a locked safe and a thousand times cheaper."
"This unique safe allows you to hide valuables in one of the last places a thief would think to look - inside a regular bottle of Dasani water. This is an actual 24-ounce water bottle which is about 9 and one-half inches tall. When the top part of the bottle is pulled upward a hidden area 1 and one-eighths inches tall by 2 and three-fourths inches wide will be revealed. The hidden area is behind the label."
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