4 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba

best laid plans: My growing 1911 addiction

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If you have read this blog for any length of time, it is pretty obvious I am a big 1911 fan. Recently, I ordered a RIA Tactical 1911 in 9mm (Government size). This gun has generally gotten good reviews, and I had some trade fodder lying around anyway to make it happen. Total price OTD was 465 from my local shop- which is pretty awesome. Most of the time I see these go for about 500 bucks.

I'll probably take possession of it sometimes towards the end of July. Sooner if I can, but I doubt I'll have the chance to pick it up. Making this deal happen though, revitalized a former project I had wanted to undertake. As money becomes available, I'll be building a 1911 in 22lr. In my spare parts bin, I have most of the guts for a frame anyway, and I'm trying to track down a GSG 1911 22lr conversion kit. These kits run about 150-200 bucks new when they are available. I may go with an advantage arms kit if that turns out to be vaporware. The AA kits can be had for about 250 OTD, give or take.

Most likely, this project will cost as much, or slightly more than buying one of the import 22 1911 platforms, but building one just sounds like way more fun. The benefit of building a 1911 in 22lr is you do not have to fit the upper slide parts, which is good because I lack go/no go gauges, and generally don't have the gear necessary to build a slide assembly right (I lack the files, adequate vices, etc).

Putting a frame together on a 1911 however, (aside from the trigger work) is much more amenable to hand tools.  Worst case scenario, I'll be tinkering with the rails to get the kit traveling smoothly. As long as my older fire control group parts can be safely installed in the new frame, I won't dink around with the trigger pull too much on this build.

I can't really say I have any use for a 1911 in 22lr, but I suspect it will be dangerously fun and awesome. Also, I really do enjoy shooting 22lr. It is a very affordable, and enjoyable way to get trigger time- and a second 22lr pistol in addition to my Ruger mk II would mean that I could still go shooting with friends or family, and have a 22 available for both my guest and myself.

Self imposed time frame to getting the 1911 22lr completed is 1 year or less. We'll see how it goes :)

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